The students who have qualified for TS EAMCET 2020 and have got a suitable rank can attend the counselling for admissions into various courses offered by the entrance exam.
- The counselling for B. Pharmacy, Pharm D, Bio Technology, B. Tech/B.E will be conducted by TSCHE (Telangana State Council for Higher Education) and will start from the month of June or July.
- There will be 2 or more rounds of counselling depending upon the seats left.
- Once the counselling dates are announced and online application date is started, the candidate has to visit the website (tseamcet.nic.in for Engineering) and (tseamcetb.nic.in for Pharmacy).
- Pay the prescribed counselling fee (Rs. 600/- for SC/ST) and (Rs. 1200/- for others).
- After the payment is done, book a slot for certificate verification from a list of Help Line Centers (HLC)
- Attend the Help Line Center at the date and time as per the schedule book during the slot booking.
- Verify your certificates at the Help Line Center. The candidate will be verified by his/her fingerprint at the HLC through the Aadhar details.
- Certificates to be produced by candidates at the time of certificate verification
- TSEAMCET -2020 Rank Card.
- TSEAMCET -2020 Hall Ticket.
- Aadhar Card.
- S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo.
- Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-Cum-Pass Certificate.
- VI to Intermediate or its Equivalent Study Certificates.
- Transfer Certificate (T.C).
- Income Certificate issued on or after 01-01-2020 by competent authority, if applicable.
- Caste Certificate issued by competent authority, if applicable.
- Residence Certificate of candidate for a period of 7 years preceding to qualifying examination in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education.
- In respect of Non-Local candidates in order to consider them for allotment under unreserved seats the following certificates needs to be submitted.
- Residence Certificate: Candidates who has resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the State; or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of employment outside the State. (OR)
- Employer Certificate : Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local bodies , Universities and other similar Quasi Public Institutions within the State at the time of applying for TSEAMCET -2020 Examination
- After successful certificate verification, the candidate has to exercise the options.
- The candidate will receive the login id on the mobile number registered. The candidate has to Generate a password by clicking on “Candidates Login” link on the website and then click on “Candidate Registration”.
- After generating the password the candidate has to login using the login id and password. After which the candidate can exercise options.
- The candidates has to carefully choose the institutes and branch as per their wish in the priority manner. The candidates can choose as many options as they wish.
- The candidates can change the priority, add institutes/branches, delete institutes/branches when ever they want within the scheduled date and time.
- Candidates can take a print of their Options entry if they wish.
- Once the scheduled time is completed, the options are locked and further can not be altered.
- After exercising the options, the candidates will be allotted college as per the rank and cut off of the college. The candidate has to download the provisional allotment order from the website.
- The candidate has to pay the tuition fee online mentioned in the provisional allotment order through online (Credit Card/Debit Card/ Net banking) within the prescribed time and self report through online system in candidate login and take admission number to confirm the provisional allotted seat. The candidate has to take the printout.
- If Zero fees is mentioned in the allotment order, then the candidate has to self report through online system in candidate login and take admission number and confirm the provisional allotted seat. The candidate has to take the printout.
- After the allotment, the candidate has to report to the college within the prescribed date.
- Incase the candidate is not satisfied with the allotted college or for any reason no college is been allotted to the candidate, then the candidate can attend the second round of counselling. If any fee paid will be adjusted to the new college allotted.
- Counselling for admissions into B.Sc. Hons. (Agriculture), B.Sc. Hons. (Horticulture), B.F.Sc. (Fisheries), B.V.Sc. (Veterinary) will be held separately by Prof Jayshankar Telangana State Agricultural University.
- There will be a separate online application for applying for these courses. The application may start in the month July.
- There might be 2 or more rounds depending upon the seats left.
- As the seats are less for these courses there might high competition.
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